

You + 曼彻斯特 = A competitive edge

Get a head start in one of 十大网赌正规网址’s PLUS programs, also known as dual degree programs. 在我们的PLUS项目中, you’ll get more from your education by earning an additional degree in a shorter amount of time, and get a jump start in your career while others are still completing their degrees.

It’s a way to come out of college with an impressive resume – one that will make employers take notice – and a way to do it in less time than most traditional paths.

Consider one of these PLUS programs when choosing your major:




我在曼彻斯特主修会计, 报名参加3+1课程, and you’ll earn both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in four years. You’ll take both undergraduate and master’s level courses simultaneously and get invaluable internship 经验 that will make you stand out to prospective employers. 传统上需要五年, the 3+1 master’s program also gives you the credits you need for the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exam, MU的学生都有 historically performed well above average.

领导你.S. accounting firms return to MU year after year to recruit for interns and full-time employees. A recruiter for a leading certified public accountant (CPA) firm stated 曼彻斯特 “is legendary for producing professionals who 做得非常好. The reputation that 曼彻斯特 has earned is well-deserved and makes it a go-to place for talent.”



3+2 Master of 运动 Training (MAT)

运动 trainers play an important role in preventing and treating injuries. They are often the first health care professionals on the scene and must be trained to recognize, evaluate and assess injuries and provide immediate care. 运动 training careers are found in secondary schools, 大专院校, 在医院和诊所, 在健身和娱乐中心, 在商业和工业中, 还有专业的运动队.

在曼彻斯特的3+2 MAT项目, you’ll major in Exercise Science and Fitness as an undergraduate student, earning your bachelor’s degree in just three years. Then you’ll complete your master’s studies at our state-of-the-art 韦恩堡校区,再过两年. All certified athletic trainers will need a master’s degree in the near future, so this is an excellent way to get there in less time. You can also choose a 4+2 path if you’d like to extend your undergraduate 经验.

Our MAT Program has a proven track record for graduate success. 自2010年以来, 100 percent of MAT candidates have passed their national Board of Certification exam, 第一次就成功了95%!





Interested in a career as a pharmacist? Get there with confidence in just six years by starting at 曼彻斯特 with your pre-pharmacy studies and our Early Assurance Program. 通过参加早期保证, you’ll reserve a seat in 曼彻斯特’s four-year Doctor of 制药acy (制药.D.) Program after you complete your pre-pharmacy requirements, which you can earn in just two years.

典型的是,被药学接受.D. 程序不是自动的, 但在曼彻斯特, Early Assurance will let you step up to the next level more assuredly.





3+1 Master of Science in 制药acogenomics

药物基因组学(PGx), 也被称为精准医疗, 是一种创新, revolutionary advance in health care science that pairs pharmaceuticals with an individual’s genetic makeup to optimize drug therapy early on and avoid or decrease the chance of adverse effects.

这是医学的未来, and 曼彻斯特 offers one of the 只有 degree programs in the world focusing on this cutting-edge field.

Major in biology-chemistry (pre-professional health sciences) at 曼彻斯特 and, with our accelerated Fast Forward program, you can earn your bachelor’s degree in just three years. With another year at our Fort 韦恩 campus, home to our 健康科学高级课程, you’ll go on to earn your Master of Science in 制药acogenomics, resulting in two degrees in four years.

有PGx的MS, you’ll be ready for employment in the genetic testing and pharmaceutical industries as an applied scientist who can work on all aspects of PGx testing including sample accessioning and preparation, 样品分析, 数据存储, 数据挖掘和报告. You’ll also be equipped to pursue a Ph.D. or a professional degree in fields like medicine, 药剂学或牙科, or expand your capabilities in other professional fields, 比如遗传咨询.





Are you already thinking past your undergraduate studies and considering pharmacy schools? Add value to your Doctor of 制药acy degree (制药.D.) degree by adding a Master of Science in 制药acogenomics (MS in PGx).

The future of advanced pharmaceutical practice demands a new type of practitioner. 曼彻斯特的制药.D/PGx dual degree layers precision medicine atop traditional medication therapy management to train the next generation of pharmacists to best meet the needs of comprehensive patient care.

通过注册药房.D.双学位 program, you can earn both a 制药.D. and a master’s in PGx in just four years – the same timespan it takes to complete your 制药.D. 只有.

制药.D./PGx dual degree provides that crucial “extra piece” in your pharmacy training, and with the knowledge you’ll gain in PGx, you’ll add a skillset possessed by relatively few others and you’ll stand out to potential employers in a highly competitive and constantly evolving field.
